ABN Lookup is the free public view of the Australian Business Register (ABR). It provides access to publicly available information supplied by businesses when they register for an Australian Business Number (ABN).
The ABN Lookup tools may assist with multiple searches.
Trading names will not be displayed from 1 November 2025
ABN Lookup will continue to display trading names until 31 October 2025.
A further extension to transitional arrangements will see the display of trading names continue to 31 October 2025. This gives affected businesses more time to inform their customers, suppliers and other stakeholders of any changes to the name that they use to conduct their business.
This extended transitional period will also provide additional time for businesses to take
steps to register a business name
with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.
For more information see our help section.
Update your ABN details
It is essential your ABN details are kept up-to-date. Many agencies across all levels of government rely on ABN information to target and provide important community services.
Tell us within 28 days if your business operation ceases or if your details change. Your ABN may be cancelled if information shows you are no longer carrying on a business.
To update your ABN details go to abr.gov.au .
Did you know?
ABN Lookup served over 1.1 billion searches in the last ten months and 83% of those searches used the ABN Lookup web services.
ABN Lookup web services allows you to integrate ABN Lookup validation and data into your own applications. Access to the service is free and easy to use.
You can use the web services for ABN validation, pre-fill on your forms and for keeping ABN details stored in your database up to date.