Data dictionaryVersion: 9.9.7
The tables below summarise the field lengths and data types of the ABN attributes returned by the ABN Lookup web services. For more information refer to the
ABN Lookup web services schema (18 KB ZIP).
Important: We recommend that you avoid using Trading Names (mainTradingName and otherTrading Name) as these have not been updated since 2012 and will be retired on 1 November 2025.
Element Name |
Max Length |
Type |
authenticationGUID |
50 |
string |
identifierType |
4 |
string |
identifierValue |
11 |
numeric |
history |
1 |
string |
Element Name |
Max Length |
Type |
dateRegisterLastUpdated |
10 |
date |
dateTimeRetrieved |
33 |
datetime |
Element Name |
Max Length |
Type |
recordLastUpdatedDate |
date |
ABN/identifierValue |
11 |
numeric |
ABN/isCurrentIndicator |
1 |
string |
ABN/replacedIdentifierValue |
11 |
numeric |
ABN/replacedFrom |
10 |
date |
entityStatus/entityStatusCode |
9 |
string |
entityStatus/effectiveFrom |
10 |
date |
entityStatus/effectiveTo |
10 |
date |
ASICNumber |
9 |
numeric |
entityType/entityTypeCode |
4 |
string |
entityType/entityDescription |
100 |
string |
goodsAndServicesTax/effectiveFrom |
10 |
date |
goodsAndServicesTax/effectiveTo |
10 |
date |
mainName/organisationName |
200 |
string |
mainName/effectiveFrom |
10 |
date |
mainName/effectiveTo |
10 |
date |
legalName/givenName |
40 |
string |
legalName/otherGivenName |
100 |
string |
legalName/familyName |
40 |
string |
legalName/effectiveFrom |
10 |
date |
legalName/effectiveTo |
10 |
date |
mainBusinessPhysicalAddress/stateCode |
3 |
string |
mainBusinessPhysicalAddress/postcode |
12 |
string |
mainBusinessPhysicalAddress/effectiveFrom |
10 |
date |
mainBusinessPhysicalAddress/effectiveTo |
10 |
date |
mainTradingName/organisationName |
200 |
string |
mainTradingName/effectiveFrom |
10 |
date |
mainTradingName/effectiveTo |
10 |
date |
otherTradingName/organisationName |
200 |
string |
otherTradingName/effectiveFrom |
10 |
date |
otherTradingName/effectiveTo |
10 |
date |
Element Name |
Max Length |
Type |
charityType/charityTypeDescription |
100 |
string |
charityType/effectiveFrom |
10 |
date |
charityType/effectiveTo |
10 |
date |
taxConcessionCharityEndorsement/endorsementType |
100 |
string |
taxConcessionCharityEndorsement/effectiveFrom |
10 |
date |
taxConcessionCharityEndorsement /effectiveTo |
10 |
date |
Element Name |
Max Length |
Type |
superannuationStatus/complyingCode |
20 |
string |
superannuationStatus/complyingDescription |
50 |
string |
superannuationStatus/regulator |
15 |
string |
mainPostalPhysicalAddress/stateCode |
3 |
string |
mainPostalPhysicalAddress/postcode |
12 |
string |
mainPostalPhysicalAddress/addressLine1 |
60 |
string |
mainPostalPhysicalAddress/addressLine2 |
60 |
string |
mainPostalPhysicalAddress/suburb |
50 |
string |
mainPostalPhysicalAddress/countryName |
100 |
String |
Element Name |
Max Length |
Type |
businessName/organisationName |
200 |
string |
businessName/effectiveFrom |
10 |
date |
businessName/effectiveTo |
10 |
date |
Element Name |
Max Length |
Type |
dgrEndorsement/itemNumber |
15 |
string |
ACNCRegistration/status |
10 |
string |
ACNCRegistration/effectiveFrom |
10 |
date |
ACNCRegistration/effectiveTo |
10 |
date |
Element Name |
Max Length |
Type |
awefEntity/endorsedFrom |
10 |
Date |
awefEntity/endorsedTo |
10 |
Date |
awefEntity/isCurrentIndicator |
1 |
string |
awefOperator/endorsedFrom |
10 |
Date |
awefOperator/endorsedTo |
10 |
Date |
awefOperator/isCurrentIndicator |
1 |
string |