Web services methodsVersion: 9.9.7

The search methods available through the ABN Lookup web services fall into four categories:

A description of the web services (WSDL) and test forms are available at:

Our change control approach aims to support existing users by creating new web methods when new information is made available through ABN Lookup. If you are integrating the web services for the first time, or upgrading your existing applications, we recommend that you use the latest version of the web method.

Search by ABN

There are six versions of the Search by ABN method. All versions are accessible using SOAP or Http get/post protocols. The Search by ABN methods are:

  1. SearchByABNv202001 - latest
    • Returns everything returned by SearchByABNv201408 plus Approved Worker Entity Fund if they exist for the ABN
  2. SearchByABNv201408
    • Returns everything returned by SearchByABNv201205 plus DGR Item Number and ACNC registration where they exist
  3. SearchByABNv201205
    • Returns everything returned by SearchByABNv200709 plus registered business names where they exist
  4. SearchByABNv200709
    • Returns everything returned by SearchByABNv200506 plus superannuation specific information where it exists.
    • Important: Registered business names not included in response.
  5. SearchByABNv200506
    • Returns everything returned by ABRSearchByABN plus tax concession information where it exists.
    • Important: Registered business names not included in response.
  6. ABRSearchByABN
    • Original version released in 2004.
    • Important: Registered business names not included in response.

The table below describes the Search by ABN request.

Description of Search by ABN request
Element Comments
Search String ABN to search for.
Include Historical Details Valid values are "Y", "N". Use "Y" to include historical information in the response.
Authentication GUID The GUID provided when you registered for access to the web services

The table below describes the validation rules for the Search by ABN request.

Validation rules for Search by ABN request
Element Error Condition Exception Text
Search String Invalid identifier Search string does not match search type: CurrentABN
Search String ABN not found No records found
Include Historical Details Invalid value The Include History flag must be "Y" or "N"
Authentication GUID GUID not found The Authentication GUID is invalid

Search by ASIC number (ACN or ARBN or ARSN or ARFN)

There are five versions of the Search by ASIC number method. All versions are accessible using SOAP or Http get/post protocols. The Search by ASIC methods are:

  1. SearchByASICv201408 - latest
    • Returns everything returned by SearchByASICv201205 plus DGR Item Number and ACNC registration where they exist
  2. SearchByASICv201205
    • Returns everything returned by SearchByASICv200709 plus registered business names where they exist
  3. SearchByASICv200709
    • Returns everything returned by SearchByASICv200506 plus superannuation specific information where it exists.
    • Important: Registered business names not included in response.
  4. SearchByASICv200506
    • Returns everything returned by ABRSearchByASIC plus tax concession information where it exists.
    • Important: Registered business names not included in response.
  5. ABRSearchByASIC
    • Original version released in 2004.
    • Important: Registered business names not included in response.

The table below describes the Search by ASIC request.

Description of Search by ASIC request
Element Comments
Search String ACN to search for
Include Historical Details Valid values are "Y", "N". Use "Y" to include historical information in the response.
Authentication GUID The GUID provided when you registered for access to the web services

The table below describes the validation rules for the Search by ASIC request.

Validation rules for Search by ASIC request
Element Error Condition Exception Text
Search String Invalid identifier Search string does not match search type: ASIC
Search String ACN not found No records found
Include Historical Details Invalid value The Include History flag must be "Y" or "N"
Authentication GUID GUID not found The Authentication GUID is invalid

Search by Name

The Search by Name methods return a list of names that match the search criteria. Search tips has information to help you understand the ABN Lookup search.

There are five versions of the Search by Name method. The Simple Protocol versions have the same functionality as the corresponding SOAP versions but can be called using Http get/post protocols. The Search by Name methods are:

  1. ABRSearchByNameAdvanced2017 (SOAP only) and ABRSearchByNameAdvancedSimpleProtocol2017 - latest
    • Includes Advanced2012 options plus the option to filter by active ABNs.
  2. ABRSearchByNameAdvanced2012 (SOAP only) and ABRSearchByNameAdvancedSimpleProtocol2012
    • Includes Advanced2006 options plus the option to filter by registered business names.
  3. ABRSearchByNameAdvanced2006 (SOAP only) and ABRSearchByNameAdvancedSimpleProtocol2006
    • Includes Advanced options plus the option to specify the maximum number of matching records to return.
    • The default is 200 but can be any positive integer.
  4. ABRSearchByNameAdvanced (SOAP only) and ABRSearchByNameAdvancedSimpleProtocol
    • Includes options to narrow the search and to limit the records returned based on a match score.
  5. ABRSearchByName (SOAP only) and ABRSearchByNameSimpleProtocol

The table below describes the Search by Name request.

Description of Search by Name request
Element Comments
Name String to search for
Postcode Match against postcode of the main business location
Name Type Filters legalName businessName tradingName Restrict search to selected name types – i.e. Legal name and/or business name. Valid values are "Y" , "N" or blank. By default all Name Types are searched. If none of the options are "Y" (i.e. they are all "N" or blank), then all Name Types are included in the search.
State Filters NSW, SA, ACT, VIC, WA, NT, QLD, TAS Restrict search to selected states in the main business location. Valid values are "Y", "N" or blank. The default is to include all states. If none of the options are "Y" (i.e. they are either "N" or blank), all states are included.
authenticationGUID GUID provided when you registered for access to the web services.
searchWidth Defines the search strategy. Only available in the advanced name search. Valid values are "Typical" and "Narrow"
minimumScore The lowest acceptable score. Only available in the advanced name search. Accepted values are positive integers between 50 and 100.
maxSearchResults The maximum number of records to return from the search. Default is 200. Only available in the advanced 2006 name search. Must be a positive integer
activeABNsOnly Restrict search to only active ABNs. Only available in the advanced 2017 name search. Valid values are "Y", "N" or blank.

The table below describes the validation rules for the Search by Name request.

Validation rules Search by Name request
Element Error Condition Exception Text
Name An ABN is entered An ABN is invalid in a name search.
Name An ASIC number is entered An ASIC Number is invalid in a name search
Name Type Filters Invalid value – i.e. not "Y", "N" or blank The name type element has an invalid value according to its data type.
State Filters Invalid value – i.e. not "Y", "N" or blank The state element has an invalid value according to its data type
postcode Exceeds 12 characters The 'postcode' element has an invalid value according to its data type.
authenticationGUID GUID not found The authenticationGUID is invalid
searchWidth Invalid value The 'searchWidth' element has an invalid value according to its data type.
minimumScore Invalid value The 'minimumScore' element has an invalid value according to its data type.
maxSearchResults Invalid value The 'maxSearchResults ' element has an invalid value according to its data type.

Search with Filters

The Search with Filters methods return a list of matching ABNs. These methods are intended to be used with Search by ABN methods. The Search with Filters methods are:

  1. SearchByPostcode
  2. SearchByABNStatus
  3. SearchByUpdateEvent
  4. SearchByRegistrationEvent
  5. SearchByCharity

The table below describes the Search with filters request.

Description of Search with Filters request
Element Comments
postcode Postcode of the main business location to filter on
state State of the main business location to filter on
activeABNsOnly Include only ABNs that are currently active. Valid values are "Y" or "N".
currentGSTRegistrationOnly Include only ABNs that are currently registered for GST. Valid values are "Y" or "N".
entityTypeCode Include only ABNs that belong to the selected entity type code. Valid values are a 3 letter entity type code or blank. The default is to include all entity types.
concessionTypeCode Include only ABNs that are registered for the selected concession type code. Valid values are a 4 letter concession type code or blank. The default is to include all concession types.
updateDate Include only ABNs updated on this date. Must be a valid date in the form yyyy-mm-dd
month Include only ABNs updated in this month (and year). Must be an integer between 1 and 12
year Include only ABNs updated in this year (and month). Must be an 4 digit integer representing a year between 1999 and the current year
authenticationGuid The GUID provided when you registered for access to the web services.

The table below describes the validation rules for the Search with Filters request.

Validation rules for Search with Filters request
year Invalid value – must be a integer between 1999 and the current year Year must be between 1999 and current year
month Invalid value – must be an integer between 1 and 12 Month must be between 1 and 12
authenticationGuid GUID not found The Authentication GUID is invalid